Blogging since 2005
Contact me at: pmailletblogs at gmail.com
Many years ago I had a life-changing “born again” experience with Jesus Christ which radically transformed my life. I love to write on all I’ve learned through the rigorous life he has given me as I’ve walked with him “Along Emaus Road.” He led me into blogging which has been my outlet for all I have to share.
Early in my walk with the Lord, he gave me a deep love for Israel, and I was privileged to live in Israel for several years working at the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem.
I believe we are living in "the last days" prophesied by the Biblical prophets and also by Jesus Christ himself. Jesus told us the signs that would signal the final generation, and all the signs he spoke of are here. We're watching Bible prophecy come to pass right before our eyes.
The most important thing in my life is reaching out to others with the hope that many may still come into eternal life before the door finally closes. The purpose of this site is to draw people to Christ, and to edify those who are believers as they walk their journey "Along Emaus Road."